A fresh start isn’t a new place. It’s a new mindset.

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One of the main learnings I took from my 6 week @myndfitprogram … I found Nick by fate. I didn’t go to him for the reason I came out with. I was looking for an escape. I just wanted to move somewhere and start fresh. I even purposely only committed to a 6-week program rather than the advised ‘12 week’, or longer because I was rushing to move away.

I just wanted to speed things up.

It wasn’t until the end of the course that I realised, a couple things…I had learnt a lot; about myself & how to deal with and handle certain situations… I thought I was already a pretty self-aware person; I’ve always been told that’s one of my best traits.

This was thanks to many ‘self-help’ books I had read, years prior, that helped me to harness this self-awareness stuff… But the cognitive therapy and techniques Nick took me through, brought to light that I had in fact, had a lot more self-awareness work to be done.


For far too long, I was attached to putting my key to happiness in other people’s hands. I didn’t recognise this until again it was brought to my attention in one of my sessions with Nick. It truly felt like a light bulb moment. Everyone is in charge of their own happiness. So, I learnt to detach from the need to have everyone around me happy, in order for me to give myself permission to feel happy. I learnt how to stop the internal battle of guilt Vs resentment. I learnt how to build my boundaries & really apply and uphold them. If you’re an empath like me, you will know the struggles of really feeling for those around you, and the unwavering need to help them. I can tell you now, this is honestly a game changer! Once you apply the work, you won’t know yourself & you will actually be able to love everyone around you even more.

There was a lot of work around ego, a word that normally has a negative connotation to it…however, I quickly learnt that it wasn’t just used in a negative sense. It’s not all about being ‘egotistical’, it’s about recognising that when your feelings are hurt for example, what place that is coming from… your ‘ego’… it’s hurt or bruised, and that’s okay. It’s just really helpful to know these tips and tricks so that you are able to recognise and move on, and not stay in that hurt or bitter place for too long. It’s being able to detach. That’s another major part of what Nick taught me. Attachment is not healthy, and we must learn to be able to free ourselves of it in order to experience true peace and happiness, no matter the external stimuli.

So, in summary:

  • I learnt how to control my emotions (stress & anxiety)

  • I learnt how to deal with certain relationships.

  • I learnt how to create and honour my boundaries.

  • I learnt how to respond rather than react.

  • I learnt not to put my key to happiness in other people’s hands.

  • I learnt about attachment & detachment.

  • I learnt how to recognise and stay out of my ego.

  • I became more receptive, I noticed a big positive shift in my relationships, myself included. The most important relationship of all.

But most of all, I learnt that a fresh start was not going to be in a new place for me. I had to start fresh in my mind first. I had to re set that to see that a new place was only going to be a temporary solution providing instant gratification.

I even spoke to friends who had made a trial interstate move, thinking that would give them joy and solve any issues they faced here in Melbourne, but it was only temporary… it didn’t take long for it to be evident that their ‘problems’ followed. A move doesn’t get rid of your ‘problems’. We cannot run or hide from the thoughts in our head. Luckily, what we can do is change our mindset. Once that’s done, only then are we able to truly enjoy the physical place we are in & have more pleasant experiences! Then we are free to feel joy and happiness and start a fresh wherever…

I learnt that we are only responsible for our own connections, interactions, and reactions. For the way we respond to both our internal & external stimuli. We always have a choice to respond rather than react. That’s how we enable peace within our lives. My self-worth grew even further, as I became to realise my mistakes and toxic patterns within my relationships (including - family, friends, romantic, professional, etc). I am now better equipped to deal with certain situations. Better able to recognise any red flags, and most of all listen to and trust my intuition. My biggest lesson yet, trusting my own intuition. That is what has led me to make such a drastic career change, to voluntarily turn my life upside down, to create the space to build myself back up, stronger, prouder, and happier than ever. Into the version that best suits my

personal values, a version that is so soul-fulfilling that I will not and cannot be stopped.


Please reach out if you have any questions, or comments. Would love to hear what you have to say.

Love, peace and power to you,


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Radiatez first Instagram ‘live’ with Rose Carbone, owner of Salon Rose.