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  • Love & Relationship Kit

    Love & Relationship Kit

    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF!

    For strengthening your relationships, forgiving past traumas, and opening your heart. Each Crystal has different healing elements, but together help with cleansing negativity, heal the heart and mind, and clear out anger or emotions that you may be holding to.

  • Home Cleanse Kit

    Home Cleanse Kit

    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF

    For protection and cleansing unwanted energies around your home and yourself. Each crystals has different healing elements, but together help with cleansing negativity, protection, grounding, healing and re-energising. This kit comes with white sage that you burn to cleanse all negativity with the smoldering smoke from the herbs.

  • Self-Growth & Development Kit

    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF

    For helping you acknowledge things you need to change in your life. Each Crystal has different healing elements, but together they help with cleansing negativity, healing the mind, giving you mental strength, stamina, motivation and determination for a better you.Description goes here

  • Self-Love kit

    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF

    For acceptance of who you are and strength to love yourself unconditionally. Each crystal has different healing elements, but together they help with cleansing negative thoughts, healing your heart and mind and gaining confidence, self-esteem and empowerment.

  • Rest Kit

    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF

    For clearing and calming the mind and all anxieties or thoughts for a good night rest. Together these crystals help with cleansing negative energy, heal the heart and mind and clear out any unbalanced emotions, stops over thinking and calms the mind.

  • Post-Partum Kit

    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF

    For strength and healing properties after delivering a child. Each Crystal has different healing elements, but together help with cleansing negativity, balancing hormones and emotions, teaches patience, love and fulfillment, and assists with a fast recovery.

  • Overcome Bad Habbits Kit

    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF

    For strengthening your willpower and helping you stop bad habits. Each Crystal has different healing elements, but together help with cleansing negativity, healing the mind, giving you mental strength and will power, and keeping you committed to making the change.

  • New Moon Kit

    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF

    For strength and confidence to move forward. Set your intentions and this kit will guide you on your path. Each Crystal has different healing elements, but together help with manifesting your dreams and wants, the strength to move forward, grow and achieve your goals.

  • Health & Recovery Kit

    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF

    For strength to recover and bring good health. This kit is perfect to use when injured or sick to assist with the recovery stage and build a long lasting strength. Each Crystal has different healing elements, but together help with cleansing negativity, strengthen bones, joints and teeth, assist with digestion, growth of hair and skin tissue, inner and physical strength and stability.

  • Heal & Forgive Kit

    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF

    For strength to forgive past traumas and open your heart. Remove all things holding you back. Each Crystal has different healing elements, but together help with cleansing negativity, heal the heart and mind and clear out anger or emotions that you might be holding on to.

  • Full Moon Kit

    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF

    Surrender to the past and all that does not serve you. Remove all things holding you back. Each Crystal has different healing elements, but together help with cleansing negativity, healing and letting go of the past, strength and inner growth and removing all blockages and fears.

  • Fertility & Pregnancy Kit

    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF

    For assisting the needs of pregnancy or trying to get pregnant. Each Crystal has different healing elements, but together help with cleansing negativity, balancing hormones and the reproductive system and calming emotions and worries.

  • Balance & Emotion Kit

    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF

    For strength to calm all anxieties and balance your emotions. Each Crystal has different healing elements, but together help with cleansing negativity, heal the heart and mind, balance your emotions and give you mental health.

  • New Business & Good Fortune Kit

    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF

    For bringing in positive energy and good fortune to a new business. Each crystal has different healing elements but together help with cleaning negativity, protection, positivity, motivation and stamina to keep going, creativity, commitment and success.

  • Re-Align Chakras Kit

    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF

    Cleanse, heal, balance and realign your chakras. Each crystal has different healing elements, but together help with cleansing negativity, feeling grounded, clear and level headed, feeling in tune with your heart and soul and feeling balanced and stabilised.

  • Calm & De-stress Kit

    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF

    For relaxing the mind and forgetting all worries. Each crystal has different healing elements, but together help with cleansing negativity, calming the mind, balancing emotions, releasing worries and stress, and providing inner peace.

  • Wealth & Abundance Kit

    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF

    For bringing in good luck and attracting wealth. Each crystal has different healing elements, but together help with cleansing negativity, having courage to take changes and trusting yourself. confidence and attracting wealth with manifestation. Description goes here

  • Protect & Shield Kit

    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF

    For all types of protection against negative energy. Each crystal has different healing elements, but together help with cleansing, protection, grounding, healing and re-energising.

  • Small Sage

    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF

    Helps to neutralise our aura, welcoming positive shifts in energies and vibrations. White Sage has been used for centuries in rituals called smudging, a ceremony used to rid a person, space or objects of negative energy, negative thoughts or even bad spirits. It is considered a sacred, cleansing, purifying and protective plant.

  • Large Sage

    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF

    Helps to neutralise our aura, welcoming positive shifts in energies and vibrations. White Sage has been used for centuries in rituals called smudging, a ceremony used to rid a person, space or objects of negative energy, negative thoughts or even bad spirits. It is considered a sacred, cleansing, purifying and protective plant.

  • Selenite (3pc)

    Extremely calming stone that instills deep peace. Fast and effective at cleansing the auric field. Clears congested energies or negativity from your physical or etheric body and even crystals. Helps connect to the Third Eye, transpersonal and Etheric Chakras. Can also assist in fertility, hair loss and youthful appearances. Can also be used as a charger for some crystals

    CHAKRA – Crown & Third Eye

  • Palo Santo (3pc)

    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF

    Originated from Native American tribes, Palo Santo (The Holy Wood) is used to transmute darkness into light and abolish negative energy. Not only does it cleanse the negative energy, it transmutes it into positive magical energy.

    Palo Santo infuses the room with a sense of warmth and love. Because of its loving and warming energy, Palo Santo soothes emotional scars. It amplifies high vibration and frequencies, while welcoming in positivity.

  • Cleansing Trio

    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF

    This is the ultimate combination to cleanse yourself, home or space. The White Sage and Palo Santo when smouldering, create a smoke that cleanse the energy around you and inside of you, whilst the selenite cleanses, purifies and continuously fight and protect you and your home against any negative energy. It’s the perfect protection kit that will keep you safe and grounded.

    White Sage and Palo Santo are both great tools to cleanse your crystals. Selenite is also a great charger for your crystals.

  • Zodiac Jewellery

    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF

    Aquarius, Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Pisces, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Taurus and Virgo.

    Coming in each zodiac sign, wear this beautiful necklace to show a statement of who you are. Each sign comes in either a gold or silver coated stainless steel. Amazing for a present or to add to your collection.

    Meaning and care instructions included.

  • Zodiac Prints

    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF

    Simple and stunning prints designed for each zodiac sign.

    Written with precise and alluring scriptures of each sign and are printed on luxury linen paper.

    They are the most thoughtful gifts or perfect addition to your space.

    Aquarius, Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Pisces, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Taurus and Virgo.


    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF

    Available in Silver & Gold.

    This angel number indicates that your dreams are being manifested. You’re attracting abundance and prosperity into your life. The angels are contacting you to offer support and help on your journey. Angel number 111 has its own symbolic meaning and vibration, which will help you feel closer to your guardian angel. The angels are encouraging you to look within and discover your real purpose. You may be approaching a new phase in your life that will give you a greater sense of self-worth and confidence.


    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF

    Available in Silver & Gold.

    Angel number 222 signifies a new beginning. We all have access to a powerful tool for creating our life experience: our mind. By choosing to focus on positive thoughts, you can create a different life. Angel number 222 tells you that your positive thoughts and visualisations are about to become reality. If you have been dwelling in negative thoughts, the number 222 is a gentle call to shift your thinking. When you focus on negative thoughts, you keep creating situations that reinforce your negative mindset.


    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF

    Available in Silver & Gold

    The Angel number 333 is a sign to let you know you need to keep going. Whatever troubles or fears you may have, the angels are telling you that you are heavily supported and never alone. Seeing 333 repeatedly may be a sign that a looming decision needs your attention. It's a signal that your path ahead is clear for moving forward. The 333 angel number indicates that despite your fears, anxieties, mislaid plans, or wrong turns, you're on the right path. The universe is urging you to keep going. What is for you, will always be yours.


    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF

    Available in Silver & Gold

    Angel number 444 comes to you as a sign that your prayers have been heard and the Universe encourages you to stay focused to finish the job. You’re so close to achieving your dreams! Just remember that all of your hard work is about to pay off, and the Universe recognizes your diligence and determination as admirable- they’re sending all the support you need to succeed! If one of your goals is attaining stability, angel 444 fully supports that to help you first by building a solid foundation. Your goals are finally within reach as you continue to build this solid foundation for sustained, lifelong success.


    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF

    Available in Silver & Gold

    Angel Number 555 tells of significant and necessary changes happening in your life that have been Divinely inspired and guided. These changes will bring about long-awaited circumstances and results and will fully align you with your true Divine life purpose and soul mission. Angel Number 555 is a message from your angels that it is time to let go of the ‘old’ that is no longer positively serving you. Trust that they will be replaced with ‘better’. Release old doubts, fears and perceived obstacles, and if feeling any fears or confusion, ask for support and guidance from your angels. Know that your angels are with you, always.


    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF

    Available in Silver & Gold

    Angel Number 666 is asking you to realign your thoughts to more loving, positive, which will raise your vibration for more positive outcomes! Seeing this number is a message from the Universe to have faith that your needs will always be met. Sometimes it’s easier said than done ‘just change your thoughts,’ especially if we’ve been going through difficult times. You could consider taking a walk, exercise, try yoga or meditation with crystals to ease your worries. The message is to not focus on materialistic things like money and finances and instead focus on your mental wellbeing and spirituality.


    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF

    Available in Silver & Gold

    Angel Number 777 is one of the best signs for good luck. Whatever you want to manifest, you are on your way to having it. The world is your oyster right now. Any hard times you've has in the past are coming to an end and the sun is rising on a new day for you. Your angels see all the hard work and effort you've put in and are surrounding you with so much love. Keep going and have faith in the universe that it's your time and you are ready for endless blessings and abundance ahead. Enjoy your upcoming blessing and continue the positive vibration you consistently project.


    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF

    Available in Silver & Gold

    Angel Number 888 is a sign from the universe that abundance is on the way. You have been feeling abundant on the inside and now it will start to appear in your physical world too. Money, health, wealth and happiness and love is here. You are tapped into the infinite flow of the universe and your possibilities and opportunities are endless. Everything is falling into place as it is meant to. Your thoughts and actions are in harmony with the universe and your manifestations are coming to the physical world.


    ‘RADIATEZ10’ FOR 10% OFF

    Available in Silver & Gold

    Angel Number 999 is a sign from the universe that it's the end of a chapter and beginning of a new one. This cycle or phase of your life has come to an end, which will put you on the path to your life's true purpose. Trust that your angels are guiding you on this journey. Embrace the change and listen to your intuition if you ever feel doubts. It's time to wrap up loose ends and let go of what no longer serves you. Begin to prepare for the next chapter and don't look back.