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Breathwork/Medi/Sound Bath! (Mother’s Day Special)
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Breathwork/Medi/Sound Bath! (Mother’s Day Special)

After a short hiatus, RadiateZ is bringing ‘Mindful Events/Workshops’ back!! Come and celebrate with us! THURSDAY 9TH MAY - 6PM-7:30PM
Immerse yourself in a nurturing and nourishing experience, igniting all your senses, leaving you feeling refreshed & zen! Our 1.5hr Mother’s Day special, includes (but not is not limited to); Guided Breathwork/Meditation, Movement, 40 min Sound Bath, Mindful tips & guidance, Aromatherapy, and bonus special treats! 💛

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Float Tank Experience
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Float Tank Experience

2024, the year of conscious self-care activities/experiences! First up; floatation tank therapy! with 500kg of Epsom Salt & magnesium sulfate saturated in 1000L of water, making you feel weightless, like ‘Dead Sea buoyant’. ‘Favoured by athletes, including AFL players, sessions can beat stress and migraines, and enhance creativity’.

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Perception is reality. Our experiences shape us & our mindset determines what experiences we have.
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Perception is reality. Our experiences shape us & our mindset determines what experiences we have.

Thus our memory can be selective & partial, as it depends on our experiences & our perceptions of them. Our perception is - individualised, subjective, and biased. Everyone has different perceptions & we all choose to view things the way we want to. E.g. Optimistically or pessimistically. Everyone has unique perceptions, what one may see as positive, or a challenge/lesson, another may see it as a negative, or a problem.

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October is mental health awareness month
Zerina Tokic Zerina Tokic

October is mental health awareness month

Although more and more accepted amongst society, there is still quite a big stigma around mental health. Many are still afraid or embarrassed to discuss theirs amongst family, friends, and workplaces. So let’s talk, let’s be open, let’s be vulnerable! Most of the time we feel so alone because we haven’t shared our thoughts, fears, and experiences, maybe because we are shameful of them or think that no one will understand. However, that’s far from the truth. Truth is, we are more alike than we think. No matter our status, authority, or power. We are all human. The more we share with each other, the more we feel connected, understood, and supported. We can really start to see that we are truly never alone.

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Check on your strong friend. Your busy friend, your happy friend, your quiet friend. Check on your neighbour & on the stranger next to you 💛
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Check on your strong friend. Your busy friend, your happy friend, your quiet friend. Check on your neighbour & on the stranger next to you 💛

Not feeling OK can feel incredibly heavy & isolating. It’s important to remember that it’s OK & that we all experience down days, flat days, depressive days, & overwhelmed, anxiety-filled, simply shitty days. We all have the capacity to feel sad, mad, out of control, afraid, worried, stressed, out of place, burdened, unsettled, or like we don’t belong anywhere. After all, we are human, not robots. It’s completely normal to feel all the lows.

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A fresh start isn’t a new place. It’s a new mindset.
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A fresh start isn’t a new place. It’s a new mindset.

One of the main learnings I took from my 6 week @myndfitprogram … I found Nick by fate. I didn’t go to him for the reason I came out with. I was looking for an escape. I just wanted to move somewhere and start fresh. I even purposely only committed to a 6-week program rather than the advised ‘12 week’, or longer because I was rushing to move away. I just wanted to speed things up.

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Radiatez first Instagram ‘live’ with Rose Carbone, owner of Salon Rose.
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Radiatez first Instagram ‘live’ with Rose Carbone, owner of Salon Rose.

I had the pleasure of meeting Rose, earlier this year through a creative project run by Mess Media Agency. I was in awe of the vibrant energy she has from the moment I met her, we instantly connected. A true powerhouse, successful in her own life and business pursuit. Being in the hair and beauty industry for 30 years, having a diverse career that spans from producing her own cosmetic range to directing leading hair and makeup shows around Melbourne, being featured in many renowned beauty and lifestyle magazines (Harpers bazaar, Vogue, Women’s health, and Cosmopolitan), as well as managing her own salon, to now releasing her first online course which is all about giving back to the industry through creating excellence in customer service and removing fear of sales.

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