October is mental health awareness month

Although more and more accepted amongst society, there is still quite a big stigma around mental health. Many are still afraid or embarrassed to discuss theirs amongst family, friends, and workplaces. 

So let’s talk, let’s be open, let’s be vulnerable! 

After all, we are all in this beautiful thing called life, together. 

It’s important to remember; 

-You are not alone 

-You are never a burden

-Your feelings are valid

-Speak up often (not just when it gets overwhelming) 

-Be honest with yourself, (only when we are honest with ourselves, can we be honest with others) 

-Find the right help for you (incl. a counselor, cognitive therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist) 

-A problem shared, is a problem halved 

-Accept & love yourself 

-Be kind, patient, and gentle with yourself

-The effort you put in now will reflect later (it gets better with time)

-Vulnerability is NOT to be feared

-Our whole worldly experiences start

We cannot neglect our minds. We know that it’s one of the most powerful tools we have when it comes to up-leveling our health! This is why RadiateZ is so passionate about ensuring you look after your mind. It’s a muscle that needs regular training to be fit, just like our physical body. 

Most of the time we feel so alone because we haven’t shared our thoughts, fears, and experiences, maybe because we are shameful of them or think that no one will understand. However, that’s far from the truth. Truth is, we are more alike than we think. No matter our status, authority, or power. We are all human. The more we share with each other, the more we feel connected, understood, and supported. We can really start to see that we are truly never alone.

One thing I have to say is NEVER be afraid to speak up. No matter your ‘fears’ of any ‘consequences’. There is always someone who will support you. Someone you can trust and lean on for support, to get through any situation.

It’s our responsibility to look after ourselves and develop a good self-care hygiene routine(s). Including looking after your mental health and checking in with ourselves to see what it is that you need in order to be your best self. Show up for yourself the way you do for others. Quit/let go of whatever it is that is burdening you and your mental health. 

Open up, surround yourself with genuine people, who are loving and caring (people who are good for you), where there is equal give and take of energy. DO NOT stick around people who make you feel less than you are, who take little digs at you, who are passive-aggressive, mock you, put you down, treat you like trash, and make you question your worth. 

Identify your toxic habits and toxic relationships with things/people around you. Then act on it. Make the necessary change for your own peace and sanity. 

NEVER feel guilty for doing what’s best for YOU. It’s your life and you DO NOT owe anyone anything, but yourself. You owe it to yourself to be the best version of you, in order to be able to live your best life, to show up, and be the best to those around you. 

BE KIND always - Check in with friends and family to see how they are doing and help them to identify what it is that they may need, too. 

It’s a mutual exchange - it’s good to check in with them for yourself, too. Express your troubles, thoughts, and feelings, let them in to help you sift through the pain and point you in the right direction. You are almost guaranteed to feel lighter afterward. 

We are all human - it’s in our nature to lean on each other! 

Connection is a human necessity. So make sure to stay connected both with yourself & with others. The best way this is done is by being and sharing our true, honest, and authentic selves. 

Remember - it’s about being proactive. Getting on top of things even when you don’t feel so bad, it’s always good to still check-in and reflect. Just like we exercise to prevent heart disease, feel good, or look a certain way, is how we should be looking after our mental state too.

So, when’s the last time you checked in with your mental health?

Lastly, some truth about Vulnerability - the most important yet often feared thing of all…

Vulnerability - “is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control of the outcome. 

Vulnerability is not weakness, but our greatest measure of courage”- Brené Brown

It is the only bridge to build connection.

So if you haven’t already, this is your call to do something today to actively look after your mental health.

Journal, reach out, connect. Find what works for you! 

Love, peace, and power to you,

- Z

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Perception is reality. Our experiences shape us & our mindset determines what experiences we have.


Check on your strong friend. Your busy friend, your happy friend, your quiet friend. Check on your neighbour & on the stranger next to you 💛