Perception is reality. Our experiences shape us & our mindset determines what experiences we have.

Thus our memory can be selective & partial, as it depends on our experiences & our perceptions of them. 

Our perception is - individualised, subjective, and biased. Everyone has different perceptions & we all choose to view things the way we want to. E.g. Optimistically or pessimistically. 

Everyone has unique perceptions, what one may see as positive, or a challenge/lesson, another may see it as a negative, or a problem. 

Judging others is purely a reflection of how self-critical we are. If you want to live your best life, do yourself a favour & drop it. Instead, learn how to be more compassionate, understanding, and accepting…

As humans we often only tend to see what everyone else ‘has’ or their ‘perfection’, yet fail to see their imperfections, let alone see our own qualities. We construct our own reality of their Vs our world…when in reality we all suffer, we all have some sort of insecurities, faults, and issues. 

We need to try see past the illusions, and realise that there are always multiple truths. 

Triggers - can be anything from smell, taste, sound, words, feelings.. etc. 

Each of these can drag us back to our past or childhood because we want closure for our unsettled feelings - what we saw then is totally different from what we know now, and what it meant then, means differ now. As we get older, we can start to understand the ‘real world’, & perceive things differently. We can revisit old memories to give us a sense of purpose & closure, (healing). 

We are all allowed to change our mind, our inner and outer world. Whenever and however we choose. Accepting this reality for ourselves and the people around us, is to be in the flow of life.

Love, Peace and Power to you,


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Float Tank Experience


October is mental health awareness month